Tuesday, September 13, 2011



I cannot remember me
Without thinking of you
Our history so intertwined
Like roses on a vine
The east end your stomping ground
West Side was mine
But you became my family
The sister I never had
The one I’m still privileged to know
Thru the ups and the downs you were always around
And for that I’m eternally glad
Life’s moments we’ve shared, some laughter some tears
Evenly spread throughout the years but
It’s ok
Cause ‘Back in the Day’
Means so much because You were there
Braiding Hair
Rollerskating in y’all basement on Germain
Were we insane? There were
Poles in the middle of the floor!
Walking to the store five times or more
All on a summer’s day.
Bike riding
Walking downtown
Giggling at everything and nothing
From break dance battles
To baby rattles
Cedarbrook park
Your mother’s fireplace when it got dark
West 4th St
Juny’s White Cloud
We rocked the Bells with LL
Endured all of life’s changes together. I would NEVER
trade it in because You are my
A name so rich in meaning
All thru life’s seasons, no matter the circumstance, time or reason
You will always be my

2011 Monica Simone

My Friend By Rhonda Lewis/ US By Monica Simone

                                                       My Friend

I want to tell you thank you
For being my lifelong friend.
The only problem is, where do
I begin?
So many wonderful memories
I just don’t know where to start.
So maybe I will start by saying, you
Are truly a part of my heart.
You were there when I was happy
You never left me when I was down
When I lost my way, you helped me
To be found.
You saw something in me, I could not
See with my own eyes. You helped me
To laugh again. You were a comfort to
My cries.
 Being a part of your life has
Truly been a pleasure. Besides my love
 For Jehovah nothing else can measure.
You are the true meaning of friendship
And I am honored to be your friend.
If I had to do my life over, I would
Chose you as my friend again.
So as I pen these words, know that each
One is true.
I love you my friend, so again I tell you
Thank you!
                                              Poem by Rhonda Lewis
                                              Copyright 2011©

The Wonders of Friendship

For those of you fortunate to have a lifelong best friend, you will be able to relate to the peoms to follow. Sometimes we encounter a friendship so deep, it transcends and transforms into family.
Please enjoy and feel free to share your comments.

On the Brink of Loving HIm

I stay on the brink of loving him
I just don’t understand why.
He throws me away like a piece of trash
He didn’t care if he made me cry.
He made me believe I was special
I thought I had it like that
But he told me nothing but lies
Now I must face the fact.
The fact that he never committed
His feelings were never the same
I was a simple convenience
A part of his ego game.

I stay on the brink of loving him
Memories take me back in time
A place, a song, even a scent
Brings thoughts of him to my mind.
I wish I could hit delete and all
Memories be erased. It would make
Things so much easier, but that’s just
Not the case.

I stay on the brink of loving him
But then reality sets right in. and I
Know that what I thought we had,
We will never have again.

                                                                Poem by Rhonda Lewis
                                                                  Copyright 2011 ©